How To Solder Copper Jewelry

Remember the torch does not melt the solder.
How to solder copper jewelry. The torch heats the metal which in turn causes the solder flow posted by lapidary journal jewelry artist contributing editors tom and kay benham soldering copper. This specially formulated pinkish liquid flux is a godsend when soldering copper. The one i am using is a small butane powered plumbers torch by ronson which i got for about 30. Ok now that you have your tools and other materials it s time to lay everything out to.
Southwest spirit pendant by lexi erickson. Purchase a small empty spray bottle fill it with the flux and keep it on your bench just for copper soldering. Once i found a copper solder out there that was randomly at a jewelry supply store but i ve never seen it since. How to solder for jewelry purposes step 1.
If you are using copper to make jewelry your best bet and most easily accessible solder to use is silver solder done with a torch. It melts and flows at hard solder temperatures so you still need a torch for it not a soldering iron but it looks great and is easy to use. Working with a few small pieces is preferable to one larger piece of solder. Great soldering advice no matter what metal you re using.
Work on top of the perforated soldering board. Cut the solder and apply flux place your metal pieces on the firebrick where you re going to work. Prepare the metal pieces for soldering by cleaning them. Heatproof tile or board on the work surface with the perforated soldering board on top.
Cut a small amount of solder wire using sharp scissors.

Cut a small amount of solder wire using sharp scissors.
How to solder copper jewelry. The torch heats the metal which in turn causes the solder flow posted by lapidary journal jewelry artist contributing editors tom and kay benham soldering copper. This specially formulated pinkish liquid flux is a godsend when soldering copper. The one i am using is a small butane powered plumbers torch by ronson which i got for about 30. Ok now that you have your tools and other materials it s time to lay everything out to.
Southwest spirit pendant by lexi erickson. Purchase a small empty spray bottle fill it with the flux and keep it on your bench just for copper soldering. Once i found a copper solder out there that was randomly at a jewelry supply store but i ve never seen it since. How to solder for jewelry purposes step 1.
If you are using copper to make jewelry your best bet and most easily accessible solder to use is silver solder done with a torch. It melts and flows at hard solder temperatures so you still need a torch for it not a soldering iron but it looks great and is easy to use. Working with a few small pieces is preferable to one larger piece of solder. Great soldering advice no matter what metal you re using.
Work on top of the perforated soldering board. Cut the solder and apply flux place your metal pieces on the firebrick where you re going to work. Prepare the metal pieces for soldering by cleaning them. Heatproof tile or board on the work surface with the perforated soldering board on top.